Since adopting Struers equipment, we have made significant savings within our manufacturing process as a result of reduced manpower requirements and productivity improvements.Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK Ltd. John Smart Production Supervisor
Our primary task as application specialists is to make sure our customers derive the greatest possible benefit from their solutions from Struers.
Xiuping Jiang
Application Specialist, Struers China
Don’t make do with what we say! Look for the truth in the experiences of the people who use our equipment and knowledge. We asked a few of our loyal customers to tell us what they think is most important about Struers.
Since adopting Struers equipment, we have made significant savings within our manufacturing process as a result of reduced manpower requirements and productivity improvements.Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK Ltd. John Smart Production Supervisor
We are extremely satisfied with the highly skilled service delivered by Struers. They always meet our needs quickly and efficiently.BRP Powertrain GmbH & Co. KG (Austria) Herr Thomas Brunmair Supervisor Material Lab
We have always experienced extremely repeatable and consistent, high-quality results. The consistency and reliability of our Struers cutting machines was instrumental in our decision to install a similar Struers system in our plant in Indonesia.Grinding Media, Moly-Cop (Australia) Glenn Sullivan Technical Developments Manager